A Father's Lullaby


A Father’s Lullaby, is a research/creation project by Rashin Fahandej at MIT Open Documentary Lab, considers the absence of fathers in communities of color as a direct result of mass incarceration, its life-long impact on children who are left behind and its weight on women and lower-income families, explored through the space of love and intimacy. The project is being developed with community members as creative collaborators, and many local institutions including Boston Center for the Arts, Federal Probation Office, Office of Returning Citizens, and Community Music Center of Boston.

A Father's Lullaby is an ongoing series of interactive public installations, community engaged workshops, and a participatory geolocated audio website. Intimate interviews, songs, and lullabies offer poetic meditations on love and trauma, presence and absence, and the power of personal memories to interrogate the structural violence of mass incarceration. A Father's Lullaby highlights the role of men in raising children and their absence due to the racial disparities in the criminal justice system and its direct impact on children, women and lower income communities. The project is centered on marginalized voices of absent fathers while inviting all men to participate by singing lullabies and sharing memories of childhood. A Father’s Lullaby is a “Poetic Movement” where art and technology mobilizes a plethora of voices while utilizing public places and virtual spaces to ignite a more inclusive dialogue to effect social change. Explored through the space of love and intimacy, the project is being developed with community members as creative collaborators. Collaborators: Christian Gentry (Sound Design and Mixing) , Krista Dragomer (Sound Design) Sarah E. Jenkins (Stop Motion Animation) Nick Nerolien (Editor/Black Indigo Productions), Alex Ezorsky (Editor), Jonathan Turner (Videographer/Black Indigo Productions), Zoe Gregoric (Colorist) Filip Baba (Volumetric Post Production/Anyworld), Lizandro Segora (Video and Photo Documentation), Afshin Saadi (Photo Documentation), Farid Manshadi (Production Design Consultant), Jillian Morrow (Volumetric Capture consultant), Justine Chung (Production Assistant) Haptic Team: Xingyu Zou, Toru Nakanishi, Hisham Bedri, Anthony Montuori 26 min, Immersive 3-channel video projection and 5-channel sound piece and 3 touch activated panels each representing a formerly incarcerated fathers story. Read the Boston Globe review of A Father’s Lullaby installation at the ICA. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2019/12/05/arts/icas-2019-foster-prize-exhibition-an-artist-breaks-out-with-fathers-lullaby


Click to record your own Lullaby via A Father’s Lullaby Project by Rashin Fahandej